Investigação > Publicações
A. M. Silva, M. Gabriela T. C. Ribeiro, Hands-on experiments for primary schools using temperature sensors and data-logging, 3rd International Conference - Hands-on Science, Science Education and Sustainable Development, Braga, 2006, Proceedings, 147
António Miguel Silva
M. Gabriela T. C. Ribeiro*
Escola eb1 de Areia – Av. Nossa Senhora de Fátima 4480-125 Árvore
*REQUIMTE, Departamento de Química e Bioquímica da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
Experiment 1 - In this experiment two jars are used with the same volume water. In one of the jars the temperature of the water is below environment temperature and in the other the water’ temperature is higher. Using temperature sensors the establishment of thermal equilibrium is studied.
Experiment 2 – In this experiment three flasks are used with the same volume of cold water. Two of them are covered with different materials that are used as thermal insulators. Thermal equilibrium is studied using temperature sensors.
Hands-on experiments for primary schools using temperature sensors and data-logging.pdf